ML pipeline

4. Simple Picture of Machine Learning Modelling Process

Machine Learning Overview

Learning machine is computer algorithm to search patterns in massive data. This article will walk you through step by step Machine Learning (ML) process. 

It focuses on steps involved in ML process from scratch and is more useful for beginners who would be interested in learning complete picture of ML modelling.

Fig. 1: Overview of ML process

Figure 1 depicts main components of ML modelling process such as data preparation, model selection, model development, model evaluation and deployment however, Figure 2 shows detail view of all components.  

Machine Learning Modelling Process

Fig. 2: Detail View of ML Modelling Process

Kindly follow my blog and stay tuned for more advanced post on confusion matrix and advanced classification measures. 

I hope this would be helpful! Stay tuned for more advanced post.

Thank you! See you in next post. Happy reading:)

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